Filler injection solution

Give your face vitality and youthfulness with our filler injection solution



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Buy two syringes and Save 500$, Buy three syringes and Save 850$, Buy four syringes and Save 1200$

What is filler injection?

Filler injections, renowned for their ability to restore volume and reduce the signs of aging, have become one of the most popular aesthetic solutions.

With a notable increase in popularity, these non-invasive treatments offer immediate visible results, allowing customers to regain a rejuvenated and revitalized appearance without the need for recovery time.

Aesthetic fillers, also known as volumizing injections.

They are hyaluronic acid-based gels used in aesthetic medicine to add volume, smooth wrinkles and folds, and improve the overall appearance of the skin and face.

These substances are injected under the skin to restore or enhance facial contours and reduce the signs of aging.

At the clinic, we use a variety of dermal fillers to help you achieve your goals.

Face balancing is at the heart of our aesthetic rejuvenation philosophy. This sophisticated approach aims to balance and harmonize facial features, using fillers to correct asymmetries and restore ideal proportions.

Whether to soften expression lines, enhance cheekbones, redefine the oval of the face or sculpt the lips, our goal is to reveal your natural beauty by emphasizing balance and symmetry.

Each treatment is tailor-made, taking into account the uniqueness of each face, for results that are both subtle and transformative.



Who can benefit

  • Filler injection treatment is ideal for anyone wishing to reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles or loss of volume, and improve the aesthetics of their face. Whether you’re looking to redefine your contours, increase the volume of your lips, or simply rejuvenate your overall appearance, this personalized treatment can meet your specific needs.

Treatable area

Faced with the fear of the marks of time on your face, our innovative solution of filler injections offers you a safe and effective alternative.

Without the need for surgery, these treatments smooth wrinkles and restore volume to key areas, giving you a rejuvenating effect and renewed confidence in your appearance.

Many areas of the face can benefit from volumizing injections: the lips, nasolabial fold, marionette lines and cheekbones are the most frequently targeted.

Volume loss can also be identified and filled in around the eyes, cheeks and even temples.

Forehead wrinkles:Fillers can be used to reduce forehead wrinkles, including horizontal wrinkles and frown lines (vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows).

Temples: Hollow temples can be treated to restore lost volume and improve facial definition.

Cheeks: (Tombate cheek condition, cheek volume) Fillers can be used to increase cheek volume, restore fullness to the face and reduce the appearance of jowls.

Dark circles: They can be used to treat hollow circles under the eyes and reduce the appearance of fine lines in the eye area.

The nose(non-surgical rhinoplasty): Fillers can be used to correct minor imperfections of the nose, such as bumps or irregularities.

Lips:Lips can be augmented and redefined with fillers to achieve fuller, better-defined lips.

Sagging chin: Fillers can be used to improve chin contour and reduce the appearance of a receding chin.

Marionette lines:These lines that run downward from the corner of the mouth can be softened with fillers to rejuvenate the appearance of the face.

Nasolabial folds:These folds that form from the nose to the corners of the mouth can be filled in to soften their appearance.

Hands:Fillers can also be used to rejuvenate the appearance of hands by reducing the appearance of prominent veins and bones.

The jaw: They redefine the contours of the jaw for a more pronounced structure and a more youthful, dynamic appearance.

Let yourself be seduced by the effectiveness of our filler injections, which guarantee not only a visibly rejuvenated face, but also a personalized experience.

Our team of experts carefully assesses your needs to propose a customized treatment plan, guaranteeing results that exceed your expectations.

Sequence of a filler injection session:

FAQ about filler injections

How long do the effects of filler injections last?

The effects of filler injections vary according to the products and areas treated, but generally last between 6 and 18 months. To maintain results, touch-up sessions may be necessary.

Are filler injections painful?

The treatment may cause some discomfort, but this is usually alleviated by the use of anesthetic creams or fillers containing a built-in anesthetic, making the experience more comfortable for the patient.

Can I resume my normal activities after treatment?

Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment. However, it is advisable to take certain precautions during the first 24 hours following injection to optimize results.

What are the possible risks and side effects?

Although generally safe, injections can cause temporary side effects such as redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site. These effects usually wear off within a few days.

How long does an injection session last?

A typical filler injection session lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated and the patient’s specific objectives.

What is the difference between Radiesse and other filling agents?

Radiesse is unique in that it stimulates natural collagen production, offering both immediate and long-term results.

Are filler injections suitable for all skin types?

Injections are generally suitable for all skin types, but a prior consultation is essential to assess the suitability of the treatment for the patient’s needs and expectations.

How can I maintain the results obtained with filler injections?

To prolong the effects of injections, it is advisable to follow a suitable skin care program and schedule periodic touch-up sessions according to your specialist’s recommendations.

How often should injections be repeated to maintain results?

Filler injections are generally repeated every 6 to 12 months to maintain results, depending on each patient’s individual response to treatment.

Can injections be combined with other aesthetic treatments?

Yes, filler injections can often be combined with other aesthetic treatments for optimized results. It is important to discuss this possibility with your specialist during your consultation.

How to choose the right professional for filler injections?

It’s crucial to choose a qualified, experienced professional for filler injections. Our practitioners have good reputations, appropriate certifications and years of experience.