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What is Sculptra treatment for the face?

Sculptra is an injectable polylactic acid product that stimulates collagen production. It gradually firms and regenerates facial skin for up to 2 years.

Stimulates collagen production in the skin to firm and thicken it -- Reduces facial wrinkles and hollows -- Restores skin's elasticity and plumped appearance

What does it involve?

  • Sculptra treatment for the face is a fine-needle micro-injection of a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)-based filler into the areas of the face to be treated.
  • Sculptra is a naturally derived substance that stimulates collagen production progressively and naturally. This substance is biocompatible and biodegradable, so our bodies won’t reject it and will eliminate it naturally.
  • Restores skin firmness, elasticity and volume
  • Minimally invasive technique, without surgery or anesthesia, offering an alternative to heavier methods such as facelifts.
  • Results that last from 3 to 8 years, depending on the patient, an annual treatment is recommended to maintain the effects.

Note: It is important to note, however, that an initial consultation is required to determine individual eligibility for this treatment.

Duration of treatment:

Approximately 60 minutes per session

How many sessions are required?

We generally recommend between 2 and 4 Sculptra sessions spaced about 4 weeks apart. This interval allows the product to stimulate collagen production in the skin gradually and naturally.

With fewer than two sessions, results may not be noticeable. And beyond 4, you won’t see any additional changes. This is the golden rule for optimal facial firming!

Between each session, our expert takes the time to assess the effects on the skin and to see if any touch-ups are needed to perfect the result. The aim is to deliver the desired benefits without “overdosing”. If you follow these recommendations, you’ll generally see a noticeable improvement before and after, in a gradual, natural way.

Optimizing results

At Mrockland, we always advise our customers to combine home care with Sculptra treatment to prolong results.

We recommend the daily use of a moisturizing cream containing anti-aging active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or vitamin C. This boosts Sculptra’s deep action!

And it’s essential to use SPF 30 or 50 sun protection to prevent premature skin ageing caused by UV rays.

With this targeted routine, skin stays nourished and protected to optimize the benefits of Sculptra on collagen production. It’s our winning combo for lasting effects!



The steps of a Sculptra facial treatment

Facial treatment in 3 simple steps:

The process is simple, non-invasive, and can usually be completed in an hour (I aim to do it in 45 minutes eventually). Prepare yourself for a comfortable, professional experience with visible results.

Who is the treatment for?

Sculptra treatment is recommended for patients wishing to correct signs of age-related skin slackening. It is particularly suitable for people with loss of firmness and volume in the cheeks, cheekbones, chin or jawline.


Sculptra is designed for patients wishing to regain a firmer, more toned appearance gradually and naturally, without the need for surgery. It is well suited to mature skin showing signs of fatigue and losing thickness and elasticity. It’s a gentle rejuvenation solution for patients aged 35 and over.

Sculptra facial treatment results

Facial Sculptra Treatment FAQs

Is it painful?

A slight stinging sensation may be felt during the injections. An anaesthetic cream can be applied beforehand to minimize the sensation.

What is the recovery time?

A few days are generally sufficient for recovery. Any redness or swelling quickly disappears. Normal activities can be resumed immediately.

When do I see the first results with Sculptra?

Results generally appear 6 to 8 weeks after the first session, the time needed for collagen to regenerate in the treated tissues. Every patient responds differently to treatment. If you follow the recommended protocol, the effects will appear gradually and naturally over the weeks and sessions. You need to be patient to allow Sculptra to stimulate the production of new collagen fibres in depth.

At what age can Sculptra be performed?

Sculptra is suitable for patients aged 30-35 and over with signs of age-related skin slackening. Medical advice is recommended to determine the minimum age on a case-by-case basis.

Are there any side effects?

Mild, temporary side effects may occur, such as redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site. Serious risks are infrequent.

How will my face look after Sculptra treatment?

Normal, temporary inflammatory reactions may occur. Redness, swelling, a sensation of heat or slight pain may occur in the treated area for 24 to 48 hours. This is temporary and disappears rapidly if you follow the post-treatment advice provided. These mild side-effects are common but should not be cause for concern. They are proof that the treatment effectively stimulates collagen production.

What happens if I stop Sculptra treatments?

The results obtained with Sculptra will not deteriorate if the treatments are stopped. The natural aging process will simply resume its ordinary course once the effects have worn off. The treated areas will not be adversely affected; Sculptra delays the process. It is always possible to repeat sessions at a later date to boost collagen production once again.

Can Sculptra be used on other parts of the body?

Yes, Sculptra can also stimulate collagen production in areas other than the face. In particular, it is used to reshape and firm the décolleté, hands, arms or buttocks. Sculptra helps restore skin firmness on the body thanks to its action on collagen. However, it should only be used under medical supervision.