Discover the Power of Exosomes for Hair Regrowth!

Stimulate your hair’s natural regeneration with this revolutionary treatment


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$1,000 off when you purchase an Exosome Hair Treatment! $4,000 / Regular Price: $5,000

An Innovative Solution for Hair Loss

You deserve healthy hair, and exosomes can help you get it back. This revolutionary treatment works directly on the stem cells of your hair follicles to naturally stimulate regrowth.
Don’t let hair loss affect your confidence. Choose a non-invasive, effective solution to revitalize your hair.
Non-human exosomes offer a natural and powerful approach to promoting hair regrowth and improving overall hair health. Here’s why this solution is so promising and how it works:

What are Synthetic Exosomes?

Synthetic exosomes made from salmon or stem cells are microscopic particles derived from cells that carry molecules like proteins, lipids, and RNA. In aesthetics and regenerative medicine, these exosomes are used to stimulate tissue regeneration, cellular repair, and improve skin and hair health. Salmon and stem cell exosomes are renowned for their anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, promoting healing, collagen production, and hair growth.

Benefits of Exosomes for Hair:

  • Stimulates Hair Regrowth: Exosomes reactivate hair follicles to promote natural and visible regrowth.
  • Improves Hair Health: Hair becomes thicker, denser, and more vibrant.
  • Reduces Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of exosomes soothe the scalp, creating ideal conditions for hair growth.

With this natural, non-invasive solution, exosomes offer an innovative treatment for those looking to revitalize and strengthen their hair while promoting regrowth.

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What Types of Hair Loss Do Exosomes Help Treat?

Exosomes are versatile and can address multiple types of hair loss, including:

  • Androgenic Alopecia: This hereditary hair loss, common in both men and women, can benefit from the regenerative properties of exosomes, stimulating follicle growth and reducing inflammation.
  • Telogen Effluvium: Temporary hair shedding caused by stress or hormonal changes can be treated with the reparative and anti-inflammatory effects of exosomes.
  • Alopecia Areata: While exosomes can stimulate hair regrowth for this autoimmune condition, effectiveness may vary depending on the case.

Why choose MRockland?

Choosing MRockland means opting for excellence in hair care. Our medical director, Dr. Nyan Narine, is the first physician in Quebec and Canada trained to offer synthetic exosome treatment for hair loss. With his expertise in bioregenerative medicine, he provides a fully personalized approach, ensuring targeted and effective solutions for hair loss.

Academic Background of Dr. Narine:
University of Toronto : Microbiology and Immunology
Western University : Doctor of Medicine (MD)
McGill University : Specialization in Internal Medicine and Critical Care

Driven by a desire to help his friends and family, Dr. Narine developed a passion for hair medicine. Today, he strives to support his patients in achieving optimal results, helping them regain a better quality of lifer quête de résultats optimaux, afin de leur permettre de retrouver une meilleure qualité de vie.

Exosomes vs. Hair Transplant:

Criterion Exosomes for Hair Hair Transplant
Method Synthetic exosome treatment to stimulate hair regrowth. Transplantation of healthy follicles from a donor area to a thinning area.
Invasiveness Non-invasive Surgical, involves incisions and follicle grafting.
Pain and Discomfort Moderate discomfort Pain post-procedure, requires recovery time.
Recovery Time Quick recovery, no downtime needed. A few days to a week of recovery.
Expected Results Improved hair density over several months. Permanent hair is visible after 6 to 12 months.
Duration of Results Maintenance sessions needed to sustain results. Often permanent results.
Possible Side Effects Redness, slight temporary sensitivity. Scarring, pain, infection risk, swelling.
Cost $2,000 to $4,000 per session. $5,000 to $15,000 depending on the technique.
Frequency of Sessions 1-3 sessions, then maintenance. One-time procedure, touch-ups may be needed.
Ideal Candidates People with moderate to severe hair loss seeking a non-surgical treatment. People with significant hair loss or advanced baldness seeking a permanent solution.


  • Exosomes for Hair: A non-invasive, promising method to stimulate hair regrowth with minimal recovery time. Ideal for moderate hair loss, but less suited for advanced cases.
  • Hair Transplant: A permanent and effective solution for advanced baldness, though more invasive and expensive with a longer recovery period.

Safety of Exosomes for Hair

They are designed to be safe and effective:

  • Cannot cause human genetic diseases or cancers.
  • Protective envelope around nano-peptide factors prevents exposure to allergens.
  • No accidental immune system activation.

Optimal Protocol with Exosomes:

For the best results, we recommend:

  1. 1 session every 15 days for at least 4 sessions.
  2. 1 maintenance session every two months.

*The protocol should be adjusted depending on the degree of hair loss.
PRP capillaire

Other Hair Loss Solutions

  1. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for Hair

Ready to transform your hair’s health?

For more information or to book an appointment, contact us.

Discover how exosomes can transform your hair’s health and bring life back to your locks!

FAQ sur les exosomes

How long does it take to see results?

Initial results can be visible after 2-3 months, with ongoing improvements over 6-12 months.

Can exosomes be combined with other treatments?

Yes, exosomes can be combined with other treatments like minoxidil or PRP for optimal results.

What is the origin of the exosomes used in Exosignal?

The exosomes used are synthetic and non-human, ensuring their safety and consistent quality.

Are there any contraindications to this treatment?

While generally safe, exosomes are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women or individuals with certain autoimmune diseases. Consult your doctor for a personalized evaluation.

What happens during a treatment session?

A session lasts about 30 minutes. The treatment is applied directly to the scalp using a specialized device and is generally painless.

What post-treatment care is required?

It’s recommended to avoid washing your hair for 24 hours after the treatment and to use gentle hair products as advised by your practitioner.

How do exosomes compare to traditional treatments like minoxidil or finasteride?

Unlike minoxidil, which stimulates blood flow, or finasteride, which affects hormones, exosomes communicate directly with hair follicle stem cells. This may offer a more targeted and potentially more effective approach for certain types of hair loss.

*The information provided on this page is for guidance only. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Stretch Marks

All About Stretch Marks

Nearly 80% of women have stretch marks on their skin. Although harmless, these marks are particularly dreaded for their unsightly appearance. Fortunately, solutions exist to fade and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are skin streaks forming visible and irregular lines on the epidermis. These marks appear when the skin stretches or shrinks rapidly, causing the elastic fibres in the dermis to break. These supporting fibres, which include collagen and elastin, are produced by fibroblasts located in the middle layer of the skin. They are essential in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and firmness, ensuring its resistance to stretching. A sudden distension of the skin disrupts its structure and breaks the fibres, leading to cracks on the skin’s surface, which are initially pink or purple before turning a pearly white colour.

Stretch marks appear on different body parts, particularly in areas prone to tension. These marks mainly affect the abdomen, hips, buttocks, inner thighs, and breasts but can also appear on the back, arms, and armpits.

Causes of Stretch Marks Formation: What Are the Causes?

Stretch marks are caused by various factors, either associated or not. The most common causes are:

Hormonal Changes

Hormones are one of the leading causes of stretch marks. Indeed, hormonal imbalances can lead to bodily changes that favour the appearance of streaks on the skin. During pregnancy, the production of hormones such as cortisol and estrogen increases, leading to alterations in the structure and function of fibroblasts. Consequently, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes prone to stretch marks. These marks often appear during pregnancy, usually at the end of the first trimester, and can occur up to three months after childbirth.

In addition to pregnancy, puberty causes hormonal disruptions that can promote the appearance of stretch marks. Rapid growth can subject the skin tissues to tension, causing the fibres to break. Stretch marks on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, arms, and back are common during adolescence.

Menopause is also a factor in stretch marks. The decrease in hormones essential for the skin’s elasticity, firmness, and weight gain can also cause them.

Weight Variations

The skin is at risk of cracking when it undergoes significant and rapid stretching or shrinking. Sudden weight gain or loss especially favours this phenomenon. Indeed, these changes caused by drastic and repeated diets strain the skin and weaken its elasticity. Athletes who practice bodybuilding can also develop stretch marks following a significant increase in their muscle mass.

Genetic Factors

The risk of stretch marks varies depending on the skin type. Thin skin, characterized by inadequate elastic fibres such as collagen and elastin, tends to be more vulnerable than others. Denser skin, rich in fibres, is generally less prone to developing stretch marks. Also, stretch marks are generally more visible on fair skin than on dark, tanned, or black skin.

Different Types of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are distinguished into two types:

Red Stretch Marks

Red or purple stretch marks are recent and inflamed streaks, which give them this colour. These immature marks are generally caused by rapid stretching or shrinking of the skin and can be painful to the touch.

White Stretch Marks

Over time, stretch marks heal and lighten. These so-called “mature” marks appear as pearly white streaks.

Tips for Preventing Stretch Marks

Prevention remains the best way to maintain the elasticity and suppleness of your skin. To slow down the appearance of stretch marks, it is essential to adopt good daily habits:

Watch Your Weight

A balanced and varied diet is essential to maintain a healthy weight and avoid rapid stretching and shrinking of the skin. Consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, which are beneficial for synthesizing elastin and collagen. These nutrients are found in products such as parsley, spinach, carrots, broccoli, and apricots. Vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc, with their antioxidant properties, protect the skin from oxidative stress. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids also help maintain the skin’s strength and flexibility. Vitamin A contributes to the regulation of keratin to prevent dry skin.
Regular physical activity is also essential for maintaining weight. Walking, yoga, or swimming are recommended to stimulate blood circulation and improve skin elasticity.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for keeping skin supple and healthy. Drink at least 1.5 litres of water daily to hydrate your skin and prevent stretch marks. Water-rich fruits and vegetables, tea, and infusions are also recommended to meet your water needs.

Adopt a Good Skincare Routine

A beauty routine that meets its needs is critical to supple and healthy skin. Choose the right products to maintain your skin’s elasticity and reduce the risk of stretch marks. The first step is to cleanse the skin using a gentle exfoliant deeply. Apply the product by massaging the areas prone to stretch marks at least once a week. Exfoliation helps to remove dead cells, promoting oxygenation and the renewal of skin cells.
In addition to good internal hydration, it is crucial to hydrate and nourish your skin with products rich in moisturizing agents. Opt for a cream or balm rich in hyaluronic acid, glycerin, shea butter, or aloe vera, known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Also, protect your skin from the sun with a high-SPF cream. Lack of sun protection can make stretch marks more visible after sun exposure.

Aesthetic Treatments to Reduce Stretch Marks

Several aesthetic treatments are available to reduce stretch marks, such as:

Anti-Stretch Mark Creams

Anti-stretch mark creams with vitamin A acid effectively treat recent stretch marks. This formula induces slight epidermis irritation and dermis to stimulate collagen and elastin production, filling the recently formed cracks. This treatment is particularly recommended for adolescents during puberty. However, treatments containing vitamin A acid are contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Laser Treatment and Microdermabrasion

Laser is a popular method for treating both immature and mature stretch marks. This technique uses erbium or CO2 lasers to remove a targeted skin area. The thermal effect of the laser then induces increased collagen production in the dermis. This method often requires several sessions of about 30 minutes each. The beneficial effects can be observed after three weeks of treatment. However, the healing process can be intense and requires constant care, such as applying dressings during the healing period to avoid the risk of infection.

Fractional microneedling is a viable alternative. Less invasive than laser treatment, this dermatological procedure combines ultra-fine needles and radiofrequency (RF) energy to create tiny perforations in the skin. This technique stimulates the natural healing process by increasing collagen and elastin production.


Radiofrequency uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to reduce stretch marks. This technique generates heat through the skin to cause skin contraction. It stimulates fibroblasts to produce more elastin and collagen, restoring the skin’s firmness and tone.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, which exfoliate the skin with acids such as glycolic, phenolic, or trichloroacetic (TCA) acids, may be recommended to reduce stretch marks. This method is commonly applied to correct acne and other minor skin disorders. A more intensive version of this procedure, a deep peel, is recommended for stretch marks.

Cosmetic Surgery for Treating Stretch Marks

Cosmetic surgery can be an option for treating severe or bothersome stretch marks that do not respond to cosmetic treatments.


Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure for removing excess skin from the lower abdomen. It smoothes the appearance of the belly and makes stretch marks in this area less visible. This procedure is generally preceded by liposuction to remove localized excess fat.


Significant stretch marks can be corrected with a lift. A breast lift or reduction is possible for stretch marks on the lower part of the breast or around the areola. This intervention involves removing excess skin and breast tissue. The skin of the breast becomes firmer, and the stretch marks are less visible.
Thigh lifts target stretch marks on the thighs, buttocks, and lower sides. Two methods can be practiced: internal lifting and external lifting. Both techniques involve removing excess skin and fat, which firms the skin and reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

Non-human Exosomes (derived from salmon and plant stem cells): The Solution for Rejuvenated, Firm, and Radiant Skin



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What are exosomes?

Imagine if you could reverse the signs of aging and restore your skin’s vitality. With exosomes, this dream becomes reality.

These tiny nanovesicles are revolutionizing aesthetic medicine by offering a natural and effective solution for combating wrinkles, insufficient hydration, and skin irregularities.

Exosomes are secreted by various cells, especially stem cells, and contain diverse biological molecules such as proteins/peptides, growth factors, and nucleic acids. They play a crucial role in cellular communication and have therapeutic potential in the field of aesthetics.

Opt for Lasting Skin Transformation

Unlike conventional treatments that merely mask symptoms, exosomes work deeply to regenerate and revitalize your skin from within.

They are often administered in the form of topical serums and can be used alone or in combination with other aesthetic treatments, such as microneedling injections or laser treatments.

Conditions We Can Treat with Exosomes

From the first appearance of wrinkles to loss of elasticity and hydration, skin undergoes numerous changes over time.

Exosomes address these concerns by restoring hydration and improving skin texture. They offer a natural approach to restoring your skin’s vitality. By promoting cellular regeneration, they contribute to firmer, smoother, and more luminous skin that appears visibly younger.

Potential Results:

  • Significant reduction in wrinkles
  • Improved hydration and skin texture
  • Reduced pigmentation spots and under-eye bags
  • Skin Rejuvenation: Exosomes can be combined with our aesthetic treatments to promote collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin firmness, texture, and radiance. This helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Improved Skin Texture: Exosomes can help achieve smoother, more luminous skin by reducing texture irregularities, such as acne scars or pigmentation spots.
  • Reduction of Under-Eye Bags: Exosomes can be used to treat hollow dark circles under the eyes, improving the appearance of this area.
  • Attenuation of Pigmentation Spots and Scars: They can help reduce the appearance of pigmentation spots, sunspots, scars, and other pigmentation irregularities.
  • Skin Hydration: Exosomes can improve skin hydration, positively affecting overall skin quality.


Are exosome-based treatments safe?

Generally considered safe, they must be administered by qualified professionals to ensure effectiveness and safety.

How long does it take to see results?

Results may vary, but some users observe improvements within the first few weeks following treatment.

Can exosomes reduce wrinkles and fine lines?

Yes, by stimulating cellular regeneration, exosomes can visibly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Is this treatment suitable for all skin types?

Exosome-based treatments are suitable for most skin types, but a preliminary consultation is recommended.

Are there any side effects associated with exosome treatments?

Side effects are rare, but like any aesthetic treatment, minor reactions such as redness at the application site for a few hours may occur.

How many sessions are needed for optimal results?

The number of sessions varies depending on individual needs and aesthetic goals, discussed during the initial consultation.

Are the results obtained with exosomes permanent?

While exosomes improve skin quality, maintenance sessions may be needed to sustain results.

Can I combine exosome treatments with other aesthetic procedures?

Yes, exosomes can be combined with other treatments, but it is essential to consult a specialist for a personalized plan.

Where can I receive an exosome-based treatment?

Exosome-based treatments are offered in specialized aesthetic medicine clinics. Our specialists are here to guide you.

Exilis Ultra

Exilis Ultra

Reshape your body – Your high efficiency beauty solution.

Redefine your silhouette, tone your body, fightback cellulite and eliminate fat cells on very specific areas with Exilis Ultra, a non-invasive technology that uses high performance radio frequency monopolar energy. With Exilis Ultra, we can treat several parts of your body including the thighs , buttocks, calves, arms, abdomen, flanks, bra crease, neck, hands and neck.

Conditions :

  • Cellulite
  • Skin sagging
  • Targeted fat
  • Wrinkles and fine lines


Discover our Exilis Ultra treatments

Treatment duration

During the session, the device is glided over the treatment area. The patient feels a sensation of heat when energy is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin. Exilis Ultra has a higher frequency radio technology compared to other radio frequency technologies, allowing us to focus energy on specific in-depth areas. The device is equipped with a system for heating deeper tissues while deploying uniform heat for a comfortable handling. The duration of a session is determined during the consultation considering the regions to be treated and the condition of the patient.


  • Lifting alternative
  • Reduce skin laxity
  • Non-invasive
  • No recovery required
  • Clinically proven results


  • Younger appearance
  • Eliminates fat cells
  • Reduces skin sagging
  • Reduces cellulite


  • Immune deficiency
  • Isotretinoin during the last 12 months
  • Scleroderma
  • Radiation therapy
  • Metallic implants
  • Defibrillator / pacemakers
  • Cancer
  • Active collagen diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases (ex. vascular diseases, artery disease, thrombophlebitis et thrombosis)
  • Pregnancy or IVF
  • Neuralgia and acute neuropathy
  • Blood disorders, hemorrhage risks, peptic ulcers
  • Renal or hepatic impairment

Similar Product Comparison

Comfortable Yes No Yes
Fights cellulite Yes No Yes
Allows to firm up Yes No Yes
Pain free Yes Yes Yes
Safe Yes Yes Yes
Eliminates fat Yes Yes No

* Results may vary from person to person. We present, to the best of our knowledge, an average of the results obtained. No guarantee is offered. Our goal is to properly evaluate your profile so that you can make an informed decision.

Lymphatic Drainage (Cellutone®)

Lymphatic Drainage (Cellutone®)

Improve the texture of your skin with CELLUTONE®.

CELLUTONE® uses the power of targeted acoustic vibrations to help eliminate the main factors causing uneven skin surface and provides a considerable improvement in skin appearance. The treatment helps to remarkably improve overall skin texture. Clients notice visible improvements after only one session.

Conditions :

  • Cellulite
  • Heavy legs
  • Poor circulation


Discover our treatments against cellulite, CELLUTONE

Treatment and duration

A gel is applied to the treated area and the sessions typically last a few minutes, depending on the area. Six to eight sessions are usually necessary. In most cases, a customized treatment plan is prescribed by the technician, often in combination with Exilis Ultra.


  • Increased blood supply due to both the development of new blood capillaries and an increase in micro circulation.
  • Restructuration of collagen caused by acoustic impulses inducing the proliferation of fibroblasts. This process results in the development of new collagen.
  • Waste elimination due to mechanical stimulation of the vascular lymphatic system. This reduces edema and results in better elimination of lipids from subcutaneous fat cells.


  • FDA approved
  • No downtime
  • Comfortable and enjoyable
  • Safe

Possible combinations

  • Exilis Ultra
  • Vanquish Me

* Results may vary from person to person. We present, to the best of our knowledge, an average of the results obtained. No guarantee is offered. Our goal is to properly evaluate your profile so that you can make an informed decision.

Pulsed Light Hair Removal

Permanent Laser Hair Removal at MRockland, Montreal

Permanently remove unwanted hair.

We use laser from the company Candela, an upscale & highy reputated laser technology, used by our trained and experienced technicians to offer optimal care to exceed your expectations.

Trust GentleMax Pro to remove unwanted body hair, age and sun spots, and visible veins on the face and legs effectively on all skin types.

GentleMax Pro uses laser technology to deliver an intense yet gentle boost of energy to targeted areas of the skin, delivering a controlled amount of therapeutic heat to the targeted area in a safe manner
and efficient.

Conditions :

  • Unwanted hair


Half-leg and underarm hair removal for $150 per session with a minimum purchase of 6 sessions.
*Finance available for this service*


Discover our hair removal treatments

Treatment duration

The hair removal session always begins with the wearing of protective glasses, the technician determines the phototype to choose the parameters. The handpiece is placed on the skin and, with a single jet, the laser penetrates the epidermis and simultaneously destroys hundreds of germ cells commonly called the roots of the hair. Then, the duration of the intervention varies depending on the size of the area to be treated. Treatment is comfortable thanks to continuous contact cooling. Treatment intervals are 4 to 6 weeks for the face and 8 to 12 weeks for the body. The average sessions required are 6 to 8 treatments.

Before treatment:

  • Shave the area to be treated 24-48 hours before,
  • Do not have epilating for at least 1 month before treatment
  • Clean the skin surface: makeup, cream
  • Check the contraindications
  • Watch out for sun exposure

After treatment:

  • Moisturize well after the treatment: soothing cream
  • Total SPF 50+ screen
  • Transient perifollicular edema may persist. (2 hours)
  • Redness can last 24 to 48 hours
  • Possibility to make a shaving scrub 10-15 days after
    treatment to remove everything.


  • Fast technology, safe & efficient
  • Can cover large areas
  • Removes hair even on sensitive areas
  • Qualified and experienced staff


  • The hair is permanently removed
  • Helps prevent ingrown hair due to shaving
  • Silky skin


  • Sun exposure before treatment
  • Photo sensitizing drugs


Comfortable Yes No
Different wave lengths Yes No
treats stains, vascular lesions and tightening of the skin Yes No
Erythema Light to medium Moderate to intense
Safe Yes Yes
Effective on all skin types (from the lightest to the darkest) Yes No

* Results may vary from person to person. We present, to the best of our knowledge, an average of the results obtained. No guarantee is offered. Our goal is to properly evaluate your profile so that you can make an informed decision.

Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal at MRockland, Montreal

Safely erase traces of the past by removing ink pigments.

At last! Tattoo removal for black and color tattoos is now available!

Clinique M Rockland uses a secure, high-performance laser technology named SPECTRA Q-SWITCH Nd: YAG, from Lutronic. This type of laser is the only way to safely remove tattoos avoiding scars, so common with other laser treatments such as CO2, dermabrasion or acid.

In addition to the absence of unsightly scars, SPECTRA also have the advantage of preserving skin texture, allowing tattoo removal from all skin colors, and even allowing new tattoos to be placed on the same area after complete healing.

Conditions :

  • Unwanted tattoo


Buy 3 sessions and get 3 free!
*Certain conditions apply.*
Also, take advantage of our financing program at MRockland’s to make your package even more affordable!
*Certain conditions apply.*

Before / After Gallery


Discover our tattoo removal treatments

Treatment and duration

SPECTRA Q-SWITCH has a selective action by photo-acoustic and photo- mechanical effect, which allows the destruction of different pigments without damaging the skin. The treatment uses a light ray to treat the skin: ink particles absorb the light of the laser, and get pulverized into tiny fragments which are then absorbed and eliminated by the body.

A complete treatment takes on average between 6 and 8 sessions. A few additional sessions may be recommended for color tattoos. Each session usually lasts less than 20 minutes. Size, design, and type of ink are factors that influence the duration of a session. The recommended interval between sessions is from 4 to 6 weeks.

Immediately after the treatment, your skin will have a white discoloration and the area surrounding the tattoo will be slightly red and swollen for a short period of time. Using an ointment and a bandage will prevent the risk of infection. Results will be visible after 5 to 6 weeks.

Safe environment

To enhance the overall treatment comfort for our customers we use as needed the Cryojet system that considerably cools off the skin. You can also use an analgesic cream 1 hour before the tattoo removal treatment. Our qualified and experienced staff ensures you get the results that meet your expectations in safe environment.

Spectra™ offers you:

  • Effective treatment
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Safe treatment
  • Short healing time required
  • Allows for epidermis preservation
  • Can eliminate black & color tattoos

The MROCKLAND Expertise

  • 5-year experience in tattoo removal
  • Hundreds of satisfied customers
  • Thousands of treatment safely executed
  • Technology approved by FDA


Our devoted team has unparalleled experience, and has been using Spectra™ technology for years. The hands of our professionals can be trusted!


  • No severe side effects
  • It is highly recommended to use ointment and a bandage to protect the treated skin to avoid skin infections


  • Known skin hypersensitivity
  • Exposing the skin to the sun for a period of 4 weeks after treatment
  • Active skin infections

All technologies used at the clinic are approved by Health Canada and the FDA.

* Results may vary from person to person. We present, to the best of our knowledge, an average of the results obtained. No guarantee is offered. Our goal is to properly evaluate your profile so that you can make an informed decision.



Combine muscle definition and fat loss.

EMSCULPT® is the first and only device currently approved that helps increase muscle mass and lift the buttocks without surgery. EMSCULPT® helps women and men build muscle quickly and effortlessly. We can treat the arms and abdomen muscles, as well as lift the buttocks and calves.

Conditions :

  • Lack of muscle definition


Discover our EmSculpt treatments

20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes

Emsculpt® is the world’s first and only non-invasive procedure to increase muscle mass, reduce fat, define and tone the body. Emsculpt requires no downtime and no treatment preparation or specific post-treatment procedures.

Emsculpt® can result in a 16% increase in lean muscle tissue, an 11% decrease in abdominal muscle separation, commonly known as diastasis, and a 96% satisfaction rate among clients who have received the treatment.


A muscle toning session (EMSculpt) lasts 30 minutes for the buttocks and abdominals, and 20 minutes for the arms and calves. Muscle toning sessions are done at an interval of 2-3 days for a minimum of 4 sessions. In order to maximize and maintain results, additional treatments may be required.


The technician installs the applicator on the area to be treated and selects the minimum level of intensity for contractions, which is then increased according to the desired results and the patient’s tolerance level. During the session, the client will feel a slight tingling sensation due to muscle contractions.

Treatment Areas

  • Abdominals
  • Buttocks (EMSCULPT is the world’s first non-invasive buttock reshaping method)
  • Arms
  • Calves


EmSculpt uses the high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM®) energy beam technique, which causes intense contractions of the targeted muscle. Efficacy and safety have been controlled in thirteen peer-reviewed studies using the most reliable scientific methods (MRI, CT, US and histology).


You will feel concrete results as soon as the treatment is completed. Patients generally see positive effects four weeks after the last session, with improvements lasting several weeks after treatment.


  • No downtime
  • Safe
  • Gain muscle and burn fat
  • Professionally tested

We regularly combine other body sculpting devices with EmSculpt to maximize results, such as Vanquishme and Exilis Ultra.

EmSculpt® vs CoolSculpting® comparison

EmSculpt CoolSculpting
Increase muscle mass Yes No
Tone the body Yes No
Reduce fat Yes Yes
Downtime No Yes
Clinically proven Yes Yes
Safe and effective Yes Yes

* Results may vary from person to person. We present, to the best of our knowledge, an average of the results obtained. No guarantee is offered. Our goal is to properly evaluate your profile so that you can make an informed decision.